The HEMP GUIDE OF SPAIN AND PORTUGAL is the most comprehensive directory of contacts in the cannabis sector. It is updated annually and published every January.

In its 134 pages, the guide features more than 1,500 stores, along with dozens of distributors, manufacturers, associations, and media outlets. Among them, there are a significant number of businesses from Portugal.

Additionally, the Hemp Guide of Spain and Portugal is published online and distributed free of charge.

The HEMP GUIDE OF SPAIN AND PORTUGAL will also remain accessible online throughout the year. Ads included in its pages feature links that redirect to the advertiser’s website.

If you would like your business to stand out in this guide, feel free to review the attached rates.

You can check the details we have for your business in the current edition PDF:

If necessary, you can update your information by completing and sending us the DATA UPDATE FORM. Should you prefer not to appear in the guide, please notify us via fax or email before October 9, to be excluded from the next edition.

If you are already a Cannabis Magazine client, we will inform you about special offers.

For more information about advertising rates, you can check here.